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I wont believe it till I see it. Now I'm seeing it and I cant believe it.


Week 3 - 1 lb loss

I really need to get the scale that measures fat... well... I need a scale PERIOD. I weigh myself at work every monday to see the results. This time I only lost 1 lb again. Kind of feeling sad but a pound is a pound, as long as its not a gain. I wasnt feeling too well, fatigue, body ache, so I did very little on the treadmill. Maybe that's why... Today I feel better, a little more energy and no more body aches.I am thinking it is because I forced myself to eat some bacon and pork (thats all) last night for dinner. I have been calculating my intake and the last 3 days has been 500-600... even though I feel I was eating as much as possible, but it was only 2 meals a day.

I need to try and incorporate at least 3 meals a day some how. (If thats the reason why I have been feeling so crappy...)

But my clothes feel much better on me, I am no longer busting out of my pants. :) 

Some of the dishes I tried over the weekend.
Kelp chips... omgggg are they my fav thing now... but is too much... too much? Olive oil, pepper, garlic seasoning (ms. dash?), lemon. In the oven for 12 min and you get this thing that tastes like a veggie seaweed... yumm...

Fridays dinner, bought chicken rotisserie and had some with boiled spinach + bacon. I didnt eat much as pictured. 
(Friday overall intake:  550~600 cal, 28g carb, 5g fiber, 44g protein.)

Saturday I made egg cupcakes!!! Heard about it through Sophia :) I couldnt find my food processor so I just blended everything in a blender (even the egg LOL lazy!!!) turned out VERY yummy... I made 9 and ate 4.5 of it. With my kale chips :)

(Saturday intake: 750~800 cal, 29g carb, 11g fiber, 85g protein)


Dinner, found a recipe online for pork chops and attempted that. Didnt like it very much lol. Probably why I only ate one of the pictured below.

Sunday I made an omelet with left overs that I had.  3 eggs, ham, 3 bacon strips, zucchini, green onions, green peppers... I think thats it? Made a huge pancake thing and split in half. I could have probably ate the whole pancake... but I decided to share. (awwwwwwwwwww...)

(Sunday intake: 550~600 cal, 24g carb, 0 fiber (really??), 28g protein)

 In between the day I had some sardines, and grapefruit... My first fruit since I started paleo.... is that ok? I dont know!

I wasnt feeling well at all, body ache and fatigue... didnt know what to do so I decided to make warm up my left over below minus the veggies with bacon... After an hour I felt well enough to get on the treadmill. Walked like a granny for 30 min. ~100 cal).

Side note, had a bun less six dollar burger... trying to incorporate beef into my diet... and it didnt go so well. I didnt feel good after consuming.. so no more of that.

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